7 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Productivity

  1. Failing to plan out your day. If you do not create a blueprint for your day, you will be more tempted to fill your day with distractions and meaningless activities. 
  2. No self-discipline. If you push yourself on a more regular basis, the strength of your self-discipline will also improve.
  3. Consistently sleeping in. Taking advantage of the morning “golden hours” is the easiest way to improve your productivity. 
  4. Wasting time online. If possible, try to keep your electronics and the temptation of the internet in another room. 
  5. Not prioritizing. As American author Mark Twain put it, start your day by eating the frog.
  6. Complaining. Think about if any one time your complaining has lead to success? Probably not. 
  7. Not chasing your dreams. Don’t let fear of failure stop.
Sadaqat Ghafoor

Sadaqat Ghafoor

CEO & Founder @Remindax